Sunday, September 16, 2007

Something positive to post...

While reading my back log of e-mails....I came across a wonderful e-mail from Foyer de Sion telling us our files for Marie-Vierge and Roberto made it OUT of the Civil Court in Haiti!!!

This means we are now recognized as their parents by the Haitian Government.

Your guess is as good as mine when they will come home....but, at least we are making progress!

Melting in Haiti...

p.s. while typing this blog I had two cute girls ...Katiana and her friend "R" fixing my hair! AND.....if you are reading...Deb L and Tom....."R" is a "knock-out" so you better dig out the shotgun so you can be polishing it when the boys come around!!!


Kelley said...

Look at the cute little Hixon kids with their Daddy! They are adorable!!!

AnilĂș Magloire said...

I love the pic of the kids with Dad!
Please, do not hesitate to call my father. If things get too desperate for you, I know he'll be able to do something, anything to help you guys.

deb said...

Yes, Tom and I have been keeping up w/ you! We're so disappointed for you, but it shouldn't be much longer now. Thanks for the good advice on "R"! Give her a proxy hug for us and tell her alo! We'll be celebrating for you when you get home.

Deon said...

My dear friend--I am so glad that you have had a bit of sunshine in your week with the news about Marie-Vierge and Roberto! You are truly living through the experience of "enduring to the end" . . . the very end! Hopefully, just like childbirth, once the children are home safe and sound in your own little nest, all of the pain you have endured will be a softer memory. Hang in there. My prayers are with you all.