Of course.....today is Friday and not only did Monsour return to the MOI office, he returned 45 minutes before they opened and waited. He spent four hours waiting! The waiting only led to the assistant in charge telling him "he didn't have time for him" and he would have to "come back next Wednesday".
So, I'm feeling a little like a puppet. I'm certain Monsour is also feeling like a puppet - jumping through all the hoops set in front of him. We have seen this kind of thing before. Monsour made complicated arrangements to have K's birthparents taken to PaP for an interview with the assistant at the civil court. When they arrived, they were told that person (who requested Monsour to return on THAT day) decided to take the day off. During our 4.5 months wait in the civil court we also had to wonder about our file ever getting signed out because the court was actually broken into and vandalized. Hmmm, I guess a few local Haitians were also frustrated that the officials of this court weren't doing their job!
So........Who is the real puppet? AND who is the puppeteer? As I ponder this I realize it isn't me, it isn't all the other families in the same position we are in, it isn't all the orphanage directors and agencies involved in trying to help children find families, it certainly isn't all the children. The master puppeteer in this mess is Satan himself! So, were does that leave the eejits in the MOI office - yep they are HIS puppets. It is so blantantly obvious. As they push their agendas thinking all along they are their own agendas, they are blinded (or not) because really they are pushing the agenda of one evil force who has them all balled up in their own pride and decieved by "their own power" which allows them to speak rudely and callously to the orphanage directors, which gives them the "right" to hold up hundreds of children from leaving Haiti to be with their families who have legally adopted them, which keeps hundreds of children from receiving care in the orphanages that are filled. Yes, power does corrupt and Satan will use it to deceive and make puppets out of those lacking character and compassion.
Perhaps, the slimy old devil himself has won another small battle as our file rots away, being held hostage in the MOI office - BUT he will not win the war! For I KNOW who is on my side - and He has the power to wrest my file from the beastly grip of that slimy one at just the right time. So........we will wait until next Wednesday. And probably we will wait again. But our sweet K - who is such an amazing young girl WILL come home and the battles we have fought will make our being together in the future all the sweeter!
Natasha- I tell people this all the time- when they say the "all in God's time" comment- I say that this is Satan's doing- don't blame it on God. The strength and growth we endure during these times is of God- the crap is NOT. God would not have children with out families waiting in orphanages (and dying on the streets) that is Satan and that is sin and that is sad....
I will pray that next Wednesday really is the day.
Love, Tanya
Tasha, just got done reading your post on HA and decided to read up on your family. My husband and I are adopting two little ones from HCRM and have been stuck in Parquet for almost 3 months. Ahh, the waiting, it's so difficult, but God is faithful.
In Him,
Mary Franks
Thank you Mary and Tanya!!! It is fun to have you post here. I know things will happen when they are suppose to....but still it makes me sad that evil forces are working so hard to stop what so many good people are trying to accomplish. AND I really want my kids home :)
Keep hanging in there...the end is hopefully in sight!
You are truly an inspiration in your display of goodness, love for others, and a desire to do God's will. Thanks for showing your heart in your narrative on your blog; I am so touched by your journey.
Thanks for your kind words! I'm very lucky to have family and friends like you - who have been so supportive during the last two years! Thanks for leaving a message - it is fun to hear from you here!
Take care,
COngrats again, Natasha. :) I just had to add how much I agree with you about Satan being the puppeteer here. Same for me and my girls. I have two friends in Africa who were just in a meeting where an american "Christian" woman stood up and congratulated herself and another nasty person for keeping my girls away from me. THere was great applause and bragging about the lying they had done. They also said there are three groups of people who should never be allowed to adopt - gays, lesbians and Mormons. HAve you read the Chris Stewart books? The most recent one - LIght and Fury - really points out this puppeteering thing . . . he is the father of all lies and all evil and he does indeed have many puppets to spread hate and evil.
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