Hi Friends and Family!
The time has come! In our preparation to bring "K" home we requested information from Monsour about the "needs" they have at the Holt Fontana Village. Here is his reply.
"We have twenty five children at the village 11 boys and 14 girls. We have 4 male caretakers and 14 females. Things that we really need are: Sheets, tennis shoes/ sneakers and clothes. We will be very grateful if we can get these items."
I am always amazed at the beautiful and humble spirit of my friends in Haiti. I feel compelled to quote a scripture that came to my mind when I read his very humble list. It is in Mosiah 4:26 (if you haven't read the Book of Mormon you can click on this link to receive a free one.) http://www.mormon.org/
Mosiah 4:26 "And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you--that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may walk guiltless before God--I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, everyman according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants."
Some time ago, Mark pointed out the last word of this verse to me. It says "wants" - not "needs" but "wants". Perhaps you can ponder that and share your insight with me. In an effort to be true to a prompting, I shared this scripture that has moved me in the past – certainly I am not wishing to “guilt” anyone into helping. If you can, we would appreciate it – if you can’t we understand.
I will add to Monsour's list a few things and explain.
14 watches for women (I have 10 watches already – THANKS Jeni!)
4 watches for men
WHY: Because one of the caretakers asked me for my watch when I was in Haiti last year and we would like to give each of the caretakers this gift.
Adult shoes
4 men's sturdy sandals size 9 ½, 10, 10 and 10 ½
14 women’s comfortable sandals size 7 ½ - 9 ½
WHY: Because Mark was asked for his sandals last year while in Haiti.
Sheets (24 twin size sets and 6 full size)
Tennis shoes for children all sizes (mostly children ages 2-9)
Clothing (remember it is HOT in Haiti)
WHY: Because these are the items on Monsour’s list.
Look for quality shoes and clothing on clearance – I found girls tennis shoes for $7.48 at Target and my sister, Jeni found boys tennis shoes for $3.24!!! Yeah!
Because this is a very public blog I will post the address of our business as a place to send any of the above mentioned items. If it is easier to send a gift card or cash I will be shopping at Target and Wal-Mart for the above mentioned items. Here is a picture of Haiti's version of Wal-Mart!

Few people realize the cost of things in Haiti. While the majority of Haitians live on $1.oo a day a can of Formula is $30.00. A gallon of gas cost around $6.00 last year when we were in Haiti. Our hotel accommodations and two meals were $130.00 per day. Things are just not as “cheap” as most people assume. So taking supplies purchased here is far better than going with cash in hand. If we are overwhelmed with donations :) we will use the cash donations to pay the airline fees to take additional luggage. Please send donations by August 7th.
Thanks to all in advance who would like to help! It is a beautiful thing to see the children in an orphanage receive something as simply as a new pair of shoes! You can be sure pictures of that will make it to this blog when we return home!
Here is our address:
QuicKutz, Inc.
1365 West 1250 South
Suite 100
Orem, UT 84058
Please mark your box or envelope *Haiti donation*
Here is our website if you are interested in reading about our Kids from Haiti cookbook project.
Thanks a million!
I have tears in my eyes reading this. I found your blog through Photo Express and I am so glad I did.
I am half Haitian. My father's from Haiti and I lived there from 1985 to 1993.
I was born in Mexico City and moving to Haiti when I was 13 was a total shock for me. They are such different places, in every aspect.
I saw the excess of the rich and the absolute poverty of the majority and it shook me in a way I could never describe.
What you are doing for those people over there is beyond wonderful and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it.
My mom worked with handicapped adult in Cite Soleil for many years while we lives in Haiti and if you've heard of that place you can imagine how that was... Heart breaking.
I will everything I can to get my friend together and send as much as we can to you for the people you're helping over there.
I will pray every day so you can bring your Haitian children home soon.
This is one blog I will check every day!
God bless you and your family for the amazing things you're doing for a nation that's been abandoned.
Anilu Magloire
Sorry for all the typos :)
You have a beautiful name! Thank you for your post. Did we meet in June when I was at Photo Express?
I love your post and I hope others will read it. You speak with passion about Haiti. The people in Haiti inspired me. They are amazing as they work to better their lives and improve conditions in their country. We came home to our many blessings and felt a *heart jumping* need to do something! That is how the Kids from Haiti cookbook came to be. And Michele was so touched and so generous in ordering many cookbooks!
We are so thrilled after two years to bring home our daughter! She has such a sweet and amazing spirit - I hope we can keep up with her! Thank you for your efforts to send help. We appreciate all the support we receive from so many people all over the place!
Thank you again for your very thoughtful post!
p.s. no worries about spelling on this blog! :)
Hey Tash,
Such cute shoes and I'm sure all the girls will love them! I'll keep my eyes out for more great deals...maybe we'll find things in CA! Love ya
I'm sure we WILL find things in CA! Maybe TOO MANY things :)
love you too!
I'm SOOO excited that you are going to get K soon!!!
I'll see what I can find and send to you.
Thanks! I just found out American Airlines luggage embargo ends Aug. 12!!! We are *hoping* to travel sometime the week of August 13!!! Yeah - we can take extra luggage!
Well, I'd say that's a good excuse not to be in town to meet me when I come through Utah around then. I'd love to see ya, but I'd much rather you be in Haiti getting K! That's so awesome that you could be traveling soon!!!!!!
Do the shoes have to be new? I was just given a bunch of used but still oodles and oodles of wear left in them but none of them fit my kids. Do you want them? Are there any babies there? I have one of those bumble seat things and a few other baby odds and ends someone donated when I thought that I would be traveling this summer.
What an amazing thing you are doing. I will be sending you some things within the next couple of days. I found you through Anilu's Blog. May you have a safe trip and I hope many read your blog and donate...
Are you interested in good quality used items?
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