We just found out our children have visas!!! Our trip to Haiti will be short but sweet this time. We arrive on Sunday and leave on Tuesday. Just enough time to visit with our friends at Foyer de Sion http://www.foyerdesion.org/ and our friends at the Holt Fontana village http://www.holtintl.org/
The best part - we don't have to leave Marie Vierge and Roberto this time!!! They are coming HOME!!!
It is late, I am very tired and I have a ton to do before we leave but check back I'm sure to post some wonderful photos next week!
Bonne Nuit!
Happy Day!! Love you
We are so happy for you!!!!! The whole Alder family sends their love!!!!
Can anything be more exciting than being able to bring your two children home?!!! Safe travels to you, and God speed!
Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys. It is about time!
You're killing us here!!!! Post something... anything....the waiting is just TOO much!!!
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